Wednesday 21 September 2011

Pictures! =]

Here are some picture's from our trip and there are MANY more to come:

 Me with my nephew before I left for the airport (we went to all-you-can-eat sushi!)
 We landed in Taiwan, and this was our gate to go to Cambodia. It was Hello Kitty!
 We were in Taipei, Taiwan for a few hours at the airport, and this was my meal.
 Not having slept for over 20 hours, this is me in Taiwan, eating my meal (the rice was delicious!)
 This was my first view of Cambodia from above!
This was "love at first sight." As soon as I saw this, I wanted to ride it! Amazingly, it was our main mode of transportation in Cambodia! =D It's called a "Tuk-Tuk"

Video of the Team Before We Left

HI Everyone!

As you know, we are back already, and what an amazing trip it was!! I'll write more on the trip later, and put up pictures..
But right now, I was looking at my church's website, and I found a video of some of my team before we left for Cambodia.

So here's the link to the video..Enjoy! :)

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Sue Sudai, Everyone! :)

Sue Sudai, Everyone! :)

I just wanted to thank you all so much for supporting me, giving me the opportunity to come here and see all that God's doing here, and how He is at work on this side of the world. It truly is incredible.

At the school, it's been great interacting with the kids and building
Our community outreach has surpassed expectations. Our projected number of kids was 4-15 max, but the first time we did it, we got around 30 kids. The second time, about 65 kids, and now yesterday, we got around 90 kids! It's absolutely incredible how it has just blossomed. It has grown so much, that we're running out of people to take care of these kids. Please keep us in your prayers for the leaders of this new ministry, giving them wisdom in how to proceed, as well as more volunteers. Yesterday, we had the opportunity to teach some ESL. I had a group of 12-13 year old boys. They picked up English so fast- I was so proud of them! :)

On Sunday, I got to visit with Reaksa. It was absolutely amazing to hear his testimony, and see the fruits of his labour right there in the community at the service we attended. After lunch, we went back and spent time with the community kids, playing ..... BALL HOCKEY! I think it's hullarious that my first time playing ball hockey was not in Canada, but in Cambodia. :) Please pray for him and his family, that God gives him strength to keep going to do the amazing work he has here.

I'm just so amazed by all that God's doing here. I feel like Cambodia is on it's way to something big :)

Thank you for keeping me and my team in your prayers :) Hope to update you before I leave!

God bless you!

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Sue Sudai :)

Hi Everyone!

Sue Sudai! (that's hello in Khmer, minus the correct spelling!)

I've been in Cambodia for a few days now, and it is simply incredible! I am so thankful to be here and meet all these wonderful people. Thank you so much for supporting me financially as well as with your prayers!
These past few days, we've started the VBS program at Logos International School, and it has been going great! The first two days, it didn't look like the crafts were going to work out, but they finally came together today :) It's a joy working with the kids! Also, today was our first day doing outreach to the community kids who can't afford to go to Logos, and it was great! At first, it was a bit awkward because of the language barrier, and they had some walls up because we're foreigners, but as we smiled and played with them, and went swimming together, you could see the walls come down bit by bit, and by the end of the afternoon, we were laughing together (I was their prime target for splashing haha). It's been awesome meeting people who are working here, their lives a living testimony. It's been so encouraging, and at the same time, challenging. Although I'm teaching here, I am learning so much!

On a side note, as soon as we stepped out of the airport, I saw a tuk-tuk, and I immediately loved it and wished I could ride it. I was so glad to find out that our mode of transportation for the majority of the trip is with a tuk-tuk! :D It's a motorcycle that pulls a wagon-type seating thing (hard to describe!). It's so much fun, provides a much-needed breeze, and you get up close and personal with the traffic (everyone rides on a "moto" -motorcycle). When I get back, I'll definately post up some pictures, as well as some videos of the chaos of navigating the streets :)

On Monday and Tuesday, we basically got a crash course in Khmer language and culture. I have to admit, as much as I know a few languages, this one was so challenging! I was probably one of the worst ones on my team! The guys picked it up very quickly. However, on the second day, it was better. I've had a great time practicing on the tuk-tuk drivers and the community kids. :) Hopefully by the end of our time here, I'll be able to string a sentence or carry a conversation. haha!

Please keep me and my team on your minds, and please lift us up with these things:
>the kids we are in contact with every day at VBS
>our outreach in the afternoons with the community kids
>the workers who are already here
>for us to pick up the language quickly
>for strength for each day

I hope to update you all next week or the week after! It's pretty much go-go-go on these trips! Hope you're all doing well :)


Wednesday 15 June 2011

``I`m Leaving on a Jet Plane..``

Hi Everyone!

Tomorrow, me and my team will be boarding a plane! We`ll be flying for about 16 hours, stopping in Taiwan for 4 hours, and then boarding another plane for Cambodia, which should be another 4 and a half hours..

I am still in awe of the fact that God has chosen me to go on this trip. As much as I am unworthy or not capable, God still chooses to use me. Honestly, it`s incredible knowing that what will happen will not be done by my strength, but by His. It`s all about Him and I pray that on this trip, God`s glory may be magnified and His name known. I know God will do great things. I know that there will be circumstances where, when we should be tired or something will seem impossible to get done, God will give us strength and make the impossible, possible. I know I can pray with expectation for God to do these great things, because I know what a great God I serve.

I ask that you please pray for me and my team. Thank you so much for supporting us, making this trip possible! Please pray that me and my team have safe travels, for health, for God to be glorified, and for God to do great things. Please pray for the people we will come across. Pray that they may come to know the awesome God we serve and that they can experience His great love for them. Please pray for protection from spiritual opposition.

Looking at the tentative schedule, I am more and more excited to go. :)  I will try my best to keep you all updated.

God bless!!

love always,


Wednesday 1 June 2011

Special Trip

Hi Everyone!

So when I learned that I was going to go to Cambodia, we were given a book to read. The book is called, "The Tears of My Soul," and it is truly an inspiring book. It is a true story of Sokreaska Himm, and what he went through as a child in Cambodia.
Here's a link that tells a bit of his story:

What's so amazing, is that my team and I have the immense priviledge of visiting Pastor Himm and his church! We'll get to do a service there, singing songs, giving our testimonies, and Mark will be giving a small message. I am so incrediblely excited to meet him!

Monday 16 May 2011

Getting Ready!

Hi Everyone!

My team and I have had a bunch of meetings, going over what we'll be doing in Cambodia, what to expect, the roles we can assume, etc. It's been really great getting together with the team. They really are a great group of people and I'm super-excited to be serving alongside them!

Today is officially a month before I leave to Cambodia!

I can't believe how quickly time has passed! I'm getting together my lesson plans for our time at Logos. The first week for VBS, I'll be teaching and leading the Crafts. As for the rest of the weeks, I'll be teaching and leading the Bible lessons, alongside my teammate Jeffrey. That's for the mornings. In the afternoons, we'll have the opportunity to reach out to the community kids (who can't afford to go to the school) and play sports, swim, and teach them ESL. I can't wait to meet the kids!!On the weekends, we hope to visit the ministries that the school is involved with. :)

As the time to go is approaching quickly, I ask that you please keep us in your prayers. It can be hard figuring out all the details of the lesson plans, so please pray for wisdom in what would be best for the kids!
I'm very excited for what God will do there. I know He has an amazing plan for each of those kids.
Please pray that we're flexible and willing to do whatever it is God needs us to do!
Please pray for the kids, that they'll come with open hearts, curiosity, and a willingness to deal with us strange foreigners! :) Please pray that they'll get to know and experience the incredible love of Christ. :)
Please pray that God gets all the glory and honour and praise!
Please pray that I get all the funds I need, so I can go to Cambodia.
I would just like thank you all for supporting me with prayers and financially! It's really appreciated!!

 " At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”  He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. " Matthew 18:1-2

Tuesday 12 April 2011


As you know, the location of where I'm going has changed. We're now going to Southeast Asia, but I will keep my blog's URL as
Sorry for any confusion!!

About Cambodia

I've been researching Cambodia, to get a feel for this country and the people I will soon meet.
I am blown away by the rich history this country has. It's really hard to summarize! I think it's safe to say there have been a lot of take-overs and wars in this country.
It's located in Southeast Asia, bordering Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam.
It's tropical there. We'll be going during their rainy, monsoon season (May to November).
90% of the people that make up this country are Khmer, 5% are Vietnamese, 1% are Chinese, and 4% are "other."
96.4% of the people are Buddhist, 2.1% are Muslim, and 1.3% are "other."
Cambodia is a multiparty democracy under a constitutional monarchy.
31% of the population is below the poverty line.
There are a total of 17 airports, with only 6 that have paved runways.
That's a bunch of random facts I've gathered about this country. I know these facts can't describe the lives these people live, but it makes me really excited to meet these people! :)
We'll be guests of the Logos International School, who teach kids from Kindergarten to Grade 8.  We will be running a VBS camp the first week we're there. For the rest of the weeks, we'll be teaching ESL, and running a bunch of activities. Can't wait!!  

Monday 11 April 2011


A few days ago, I got an email. My team was to have an "urgent" meeting for this Sunday (April 10).
At the meeting, our team leaders let us  know that, due to a building demolition, we would not be able to go to West Asia.
This news was a complete shocker! However, they told us of some other plans:
There is an opportunity to go to Cambodia!
In Cambodia, we would be running a VBS camp for the first week, and then teach ESL for the remaining weeks.
Although plans have changed, we know God is in control, and leading the way to Cambodia. How everything worked out with the dates, as well as the place, and what we would be doing there, is a testament of God's hand in all this.
God is so amazing, and I'm so glad for this opportunity this summer. =]
The trip is still set for June 16-July 11. I'll keep you all updated!
God bless!

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." -Proverbs 3: 5-6

Thursday 17 February 2011


So I thought I`d do some explaining!

Who: To tell you a little more about myself:
I love to read, spend time with my family, and do things outdoors. I am currently in my second year of university. I am in the Liberal Arts and Professional Studies Program at York, where I am getting a Specialized Honours degree in English. With this degree, I hope to teach! I`m not sure which age group just yet, but that`s my goal!

What: I am going to teach conversational English with 6 other amazing people.
When: I will be leaving for West Asia June 16th, 2011, and returning on July 11, 2011.

Where: I will be going to West Asia!!

Why: I want to go teach conversational English because I feel like that is where God is leading me to use the skills I am learning to serve others in a different part of the world. I am also extremely excited to get to know the students!  =) The most important thing on this trip is to build relationships with the people and to serve them, and I am so excited to be given this opportunity!

How: Here are some ways in which you can partner with me on my journey to West Asia:

You can support me through prayers! Supporting me through prayer is absolutely essential to my trip. Every single day, I will need the support of your prayers. It makes a huge difference when you`re out there, knowing people are praying for you!
Ephesians 6:18-19: Be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord`s people. Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the Gospel.
If you feel God is leading you to support me through prayer in spreading God`s love to other parts of the world, and if you would like to know specific things you can be praying for, please contact me at  =)

You can also support me financially. The total cost of my trip is $3700. I will be going for 26 days. That means it will be about $142 CDN per day. I will need to have the full amount in my account 30 days before departure. It`s a lot and I really can`t go without your support, but I know all things are possible with God!
Philippians 4:19: And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.
If you feel God leading you to partner with me financially in spreading His love to another part of the world, then please contact me at and I can send you the donation form to send to Crossworld.
  1. If you live in Canada: You can send a cheque, payable to CrossWorld, to 11-1020 Matheson Blvd. E, Mississauga, ON, L4W 4J9. Just be sure to include my name on it: Anna Kistol.
  2. If you live in the U.S.:You can send a cheque, payable to Cross World, to 10,000 North Oak Trafficway, Kansas City, MO, 64155-2010. Please be sure to include my name, Anna Kistol on the back.
Or, you can also give online at
Here are the instrucitons:
  • Choose Manual under the Donors in Canada heading
  • Fill in the personal info on the next page including your name and email address and click Next Page
  • Under Part or all of this gift is to go to: please select a specific Missionary or Project
  • For Missionary or Project description, please enter: Anna Kistol, West Asia, 45291
  • Enter the dollar amount of your donation under Amount to Missionary or Project
  • Keep This is a one-time gift selected
  • Under Notes to data entry clerk about this gift, please enter: Please apply this donation to Anna Kistol, account # 45291, in support of her mission trip to West Asia, June 2011
  • Click Next Page
  • The final page will ask for your billing and credit card information. Please note that receipts are not automatic but will be mailed to you after processing.
I am so excited to be going to West Asia, and I want to thank you all for being a part of my life. I hope you can partner with me on this journey with your prayers or financially! God bless!

Wednesday 16 February 2011

I'm Going to West Asia! =)

Hi Everyone!

I am so incredibly excited to tell you the good news: I am going to WEST ASIA!!
I was approached by my team leaders and was asked if I would like to go.
I was praying about it, asking God for guidance: is this what He wants me to do right now and is this where He wants me to go?
I was going through the book of Joshua at the time. In Joshua 3, the Levite priests had to step out into the river (which was at flood point at the time!), carrying the ark of the covenant, in order for the Israelites to be able to cross over (the water would stop flowing).
That is the passage I read that night.
When I first heard about this trip, I was unsure. I was unsure of my abilities, I was unsure about my safety. But God was telling me to step out in faith, just like the Levite priests, and go where He was telling me to go.
So I will be heading off to West Asia June 16-July 11, 2011 to teach conversational English, and I hope you will support me with your prayers! =)
Joshua 1:9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”