Wednesday 15 June 2011

``I`m Leaving on a Jet Plane..``

Hi Everyone!

Tomorrow, me and my team will be boarding a plane! We`ll be flying for about 16 hours, stopping in Taiwan for 4 hours, and then boarding another plane for Cambodia, which should be another 4 and a half hours..

I am still in awe of the fact that God has chosen me to go on this trip. As much as I am unworthy or not capable, God still chooses to use me. Honestly, it`s incredible knowing that what will happen will not be done by my strength, but by His. It`s all about Him and I pray that on this trip, God`s glory may be magnified and His name known. I know God will do great things. I know that there will be circumstances where, when we should be tired or something will seem impossible to get done, God will give us strength and make the impossible, possible. I know I can pray with expectation for God to do these great things, because I know what a great God I serve.

I ask that you please pray for me and my team. Thank you so much for supporting us, making this trip possible! Please pray that me and my team have safe travels, for health, for God to be glorified, and for God to do great things. Please pray for the people we will come across. Pray that they may come to know the awesome God we serve and that they can experience His great love for them. Please pray for protection from spiritual opposition.

Looking at the tentative schedule, I am more and more excited to go. :)  I will try my best to keep you all updated.

God bless!!

love always,


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