Tuesday 12 April 2011


As you know, the location of where I'm going has changed. We're now going to Southeast Asia, but I will keep my blog's URL as www.annawestasia.blogspot.com.
Sorry for any confusion!!

About Cambodia

I've been researching Cambodia, to get a feel for this country and the people I will soon meet.
I am blown away by the rich history this country has. It's really hard to summarize! I think it's safe to say there have been a lot of take-overs and wars in this country.
It's located in Southeast Asia, bordering Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam.
It's tropical there. We'll be going during their rainy, monsoon season (May to November).
90% of the people that make up this country are Khmer, 5% are Vietnamese, 1% are Chinese, and 4% are "other."
96.4% of the people are Buddhist, 2.1% are Muslim, and 1.3% are "other."
Cambodia is a multiparty democracy under a constitutional monarchy.
31% of the population is below the poverty line.
There are a total of 17 airports, with only 6 that have paved runways.
That's a bunch of random facts I've gathered about this country. I know these facts can't describe the lives these people live, but it makes me really excited to meet these people! :)
We'll be guests of the Logos International School, who teach kids from Kindergarten to Grade 8.  We will be running a VBS camp the first week we're there. For the rest of the weeks, we'll be teaching ESL, and running a bunch of activities. Can't wait!!  

Monday 11 April 2011


A few days ago, I got an email. My team was to have an "urgent" meeting for this Sunday (April 10).
At the meeting, our team leaders let us  know that, due to a building demolition, we would not be able to go to West Asia.
This news was a complete shocker! However, they told us of some other plans:
There is an opportunity to go to Cambodia!
In Cambodia, we would be running a VBS camp for the first week, and then teach ESL for the remaining weeks.
Although plans have changed, we know God is in control, and leading the way to Cambodia. How everything worked out with the dates, as well as the place, and what we would be doing there, is a testament of God's hand in all this.
God is so amazing, and I'm so glad for this opportunity this summer. =]
The trip is still set for June 16-July 11. I'll keep you all updated!
God bless!

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." -Proverbs 3: 5-6