Wednesday 21 September 2011

Pictures! =]

Here are some picture's from our trip and there are MANY more to come:

 Me with my nephew before I left for the airport (we went to all-you-can-eat sushi!)
 We landed in Taiwan, and this was our gate to go to Cambodia. It was Hello Kitty!
 We were in Taipei, Taiwan for a few hours at the airport, and this was my meal.
 Not having slept for over 20 hours, this is me in Taiwan, eating my meal (the rice was delicious!)
 This was my first view of Cambodia from above!
This was "love at first sight." As soon as I saw this, I wanted to ride it! Amazingly, it was our main mode of transportation in Cambodia! =D It's called a "Tuk-Tuk"

Video of the Team Before We Left

HI Everyone!

As you know, we are back already, and what an amazing trip it was!! I'll write more on the trip later, and put up pictures..
But right now, I was looking at my church's website, and I found a video of some of my team before we left for Cambodia.

So here's the link to the video..Enjoy! :)