Wednesday 6 July 2011

Sue Sudai, Everyone! :)

Sue Sudai, Everyone! :)

I just wanted to thank you all so much for supporting me, giving me the opportunity to come here and see all that God's doing here, and how He is at work on this side of the world. It truly is incredible.

At the school, it's been great interacting with the kids and building
Our community outreach has surpassed expectations. Our projected number of kids was 4-15 max, but the first time we did it, we got around 30 kids. The second time, about 65 kids, and now yesterday, we got around 90 kids! It's absolutely incredible how it has just blossomed. It has grown so much, that we're running out of people to take care of these kids. Please keep us in your prayers for the leaders of this new ministry, giving them wisdom in how to proceed, as well as more volunteers. Yesterday, we had the opportunity to teach some ESL. I had a group of 12-13 year old boys. They picked up English so fast- I was so proud of them! :)

On Sunday, I got to visit with Reaksa. It was absolutely amazing to hear his testimony, and see the fruits of his labour right there in the community at the service we attended. After lunch, we went back and spent time with the community kids, playing ..... BALL HOCKEY! I think it's hullarious that my first time playing ball hockey was not in Canada, but in Cambodia. :) Please pray for him and his family, that God gives him strength to keep going to do the amazing work he has here.

I'm just so amazed by all that God's doing here. I feel like Cambodia is on it's way to something big :)

Thank you for keeping me and my team in your prayers :) Hope to update you before I leave!

God bless you!